Innocent: Memories of a Gir - Petite schoolgirl lustily sucks the hentai teacher's dick

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Mar 28, 202025280811:38

이노센트 - 소녀 메모리아 / Innocent: Shoujo Memoria / イノセント~少女メモリア~ - Includes two short stories: 1. A girl claims to be the reincarnation of an older man's deceased girlfriend in order to have sex with him. 2. A girl decides to pretend to be asleep until her father comes back. Her brother, thinking she really is asleep, decides to take advantage of the opportunity and repeatedly have sex with her.

Comments (2)

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Roy702 on Sept 17, 2022
Kind of a fucked up ending when dude says that he Hope's she never wakes up. Lol
12AM123x on Feb 13, 2022


I wish I was her~
