Female Ninja Botan 2 - Villagers gangbang and double penetrate sexed up ninjas

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June 10, 20229429414:22

Female Ninja Botan / Kunoichi Botan / くの一牡丹 / 쿠노이치 보탄 / くのいち牡丹
One night in a merchant's mansion, a kunoichi (female ninja) named Yasuzu is violated by a group of men under the effect of "Aura of Ogre", called "Demi-Ogre". Although she had kept her virginity, the Demi-Ogres keeps sexually tormenting Yasuzu. Now the only thing Yasuzu can think about is her senior kunoichi Botan who she has longed for.

At that time, Botan is sneaking into the merchant's mansion. Together with two of "herselves" which she created by her signature art of ninja "Kagebunshin", she beats watchmen down. There comes, however, the merchant carrying Yasuzu who has totally been screwed up. Botan and two of herselves get caught by Demi-Ogres in an off-guard moment...

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