Shocking Pink! 2 - Virgin little sister begs onii-chan for his big cock

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Oct 23, 20236270016:39

Shocking Pink! / ショッキングピンク! / 쇼킹 핑크
A girl who claims to be the reincarnation of Gentoku Ryūbi (of Romance of the Three Kingdoms) storms the house of Takaaki Morokuzu, the boy whom she claims is Kōmei Shokatsuryō's reincarnation and her strategist. Gentoku forces Takaaki into a contract with her to be her strategist in her plan of world conquest. She also brings with her her sisters Unchō Kan'u and Ekitoku Chōhi. But soon the plans won't work very well as the girls have to convince Takaaki to work on them. Their plans for world domination are getting their own platoon of soldiers to fight for them. That's 44 soldiers and they want to get them by having kids!!!

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